Crazy cars

sunday of

The authentic crazy car race arrives in Calella at the second edition of The Factory Bike Fest

A Sunday of Thunder

Two categories make up the first downhill race of crazy cars in the history of The Factory Bike Fest. A speed competition, where the fastest car to complete the course will win, and a creativity competition, where the best design and performance will be awarded.


2 categories make up ''Sunday of Thunder''
carrera original sunday of thunder

the most


carrera velocidad sunday of thunder



download the registration form,
fill it out, and send it to

Sunday of Thunder Program

bajada de autos locos

At 09:00h, the training or test runs will begin for the participants in the Sunday of Thunder speed competition

Sunday, May 11th
bajada de autos locos

Starting at 11:00h, the races of the first edition of Sunday of Thunder will begin, with the speed competition first, followed by the originality competition

Sunday, May 11th
entrega de premios dirt track rodeo

The two awards for each category will be presented at the factory starting at 15:00h

Awards ceremony
Sunday, May 11th